
Archive for April 22nd, 2009

Earth Day

earthbluemarblewestterraI happened upon a blog the other day. It dealt with an increasingly familiar concept — eco running.

Essentially, eco running is a variation of recreational running. The runner just collects the litter he/she finds along his/her route.

Great message: But is it practical? I’m thinking nope. Meaning, I don’t intend to hit the streets with a Hefty Sinch-Sac.

However, symbolism is how kids substantiate many ethical gray areas. Being the father of a little human, I’ve become familiar with certain baby buzz-words — thanks to Noggin, a channel for toddlers. I rather he didn’t watch TV, but what are you gonna do? I guess the answer to that question is actually: Don’t let him watch TV.

Anyway, I was talking about symbolism and toddler buzz words. “Eco” is one of those words. My son is oft asked by the cartoon moose who helms Noggin, “are you an eco ranger?” I guess eco rangers are pretty cool in the post-formula, pre big-boy underwear set.

All eco running is doing is promoting environmental responsibility by associating it with a simple task, like picking up trash — all the time — even when your running. Symbolism sort of … maybe. OK forget the whole symbolism thing. We’ll call eco-running a perpetual good deed.

Nothing wrong with that, eco rangers. For more info on eco running check out ecology runner.

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