
Posts Tagged ‘running shoes’

Getting a new pair of shoes ranks pretty high on my things-I-like-to-get-in-the mail list. My postal top three would consist of the following: magazines (I’m not too picky), shoes, and at the top of the list — money. No. 1 is there out of default — just in case. I’m more of a direct-deposit kind of guy, but if my grandmother’s reading this: Keep those Christmas bonuses coming. Times is tough.

I love the shoes, though. There’s that new-shoe smell; it’s like sweet composite-foam mimosa. I go through about four pairs of running shoes a year, but that doesn’t make their arrival any less thrilling.

As far as shopping goes, I’m pretty loyal to Road Runner Sports. You’ll save a good 20 percent with these guys; even more if you’re a VIP. “Yo VIP, let’s kick it.” Tell me what that’s from (without googling it) and I’ll give you ten doll hairs. Honor Policy.

I’ve embarrassed myself. I’ll stick with the valuable content. Here are some things to look for when buying running shoes:

    1. A good rule of thumb is to replace your running shoes every 300 to 400 miles.
    2. Your running shoes should be 1/2 to a full size bigger than your regular shoe size because your feet will swell when you run and you need plenty of room in the toebox.
    3. Know how and if you pronate. You can get a free pronation analysis at Charm City Run

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shinsplints-hi1Shinsplints — you know what I’m talking about (blogger points to random reader). They’re those persistent aches in the lower leg— a good indication that you’re running too much too soon.

I first encountered them when I was about 8 after a long day at Six Flags. I remember it vividly: I was in my mother’s Datsun, and I told her my legs had a “hangover”… not exactly an “out of the mouths of babes” moment– but I’ve never been accused of being profound.

Odds are I could have avoided that “delayed onset muscle soreness” had I stretched a bit before sprinting from the gate to the Dahlonega Mine Train, etc.

Can you picture a kid doing lunges or heel drops in front of a Funnel Cake stand to warm up before a day of frolic at the park?

Sure you can.

Here’s a good stretch with an unfortunate name to keep those aches at bay:

Pole PullsSet up a pulley or resistance band about waist-high. Stand barefoot on one foot next to the band, with a slight bend in your knee and your core muscles tight. Pull the band so that your hands are in front of your belly button and the band is parallel with the floor. Move the band slowly side to side, in and out, or in small circles. If you’re on the outside foot (away from the pole), the tibialis posterior muscle along the inside of your shin works, balancing you against the upper-body resistance. To strengthen the peroneal muscles on the outside of the shin, switch feet and stand on the inside leg.

Here’s some more stretches that may help. Pay close attention to this guy’s tree stretch:

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My dance card’s starting to fill up, gang. I’m not sure how I’m going to work in my weekly 35-40 miles AND tend to my mounting responsibilities.

Enter the daunting task of time management. What portion of the day (or night) do I shave off to free up more time for my morning runs? Do I get up earlier (groan)? Do I stay up later (groan)? Or — do I invest in a treadmill (hmmm)? I know I was knocking them five posts ago, but again … hmmmm. Let’s think this thing through.

treadmillA treadmill would certainly consolidate things. Those pre-dawn jaunts would become no more dangerous than a trip to the fridge. I could get up fling a whole grain waffle in the toaster oven for my dude and get a mile or two in before he’s done with breakfast. He could eat and I could run. Problem solved

But what would he say about this if he could talk?

The conversation (while I was on this treadmill and he was eating breakfast) might go something like this:

Him: Dad?

Me: Yeah?

Him: Nice high chair.

Me: It’s not a chair, it’s a treadmill. It’s a time saver and I can run in inclement weather. It’s perfect for my busy schedule.

Him: What’s weather and since when do you need a high chair?

Me: It’s a treadmill, and cardiovascular fitness is improved at a similar rate whether you run on a treadmill or outside on the road or track. The treadmill provides many added benefits for runners, including injury prevention, safety, convenience and improved exercise adherence.

Him: Great — You got any of those Kix cereal jobbers mom gives me.

Me: Good point, son. I’ll take that into consideration.

Well, that settles it. I’d like some Kix cereal.

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As many of you know, I have a bit of an Imelda Marcos thing going with footwear. I’ve obsessed over the subtle beauty and earnest craftsmanship of the zapato, scarpa, الأحذية, जूता,башмак, sko, 신발, 擦鞋, Schuh and chaussure since my mom bought me a pair of Puma Ralph Sampsons in the third grade. I did a detailed etching of those kicks before I wore them outside to preserve their “right out the box” beauty, and the perfect golden signature along the upper faded. I did it for posterity, for future generations. I’m sure you understand.

This is the Adidas Micropacer. It was the shoe of the future in the 80s.

This is the Adidas Micropacer. It was the shoe of the future in the 80s.

I intend to parlay my fascination with shoes into a post chapter on hits and misses, shoes of the past and present. I’d like to get the scoop on those yet to come as well, but big companies are more than reluctant to offer up their new designs. I’ll be talking with anyone I can get a hold of about their top picks for comfort and coolness. Feel free to weigh in … stay tuned.

Ice, elevation and ibuprofen

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